Friday, November 25, 2011

Happy 1 Year (and 3 days) Anniversary to our blog!

I can't believe we started this blog a year (and three days) ago. Thanks to all our readers (David and Mrs. P) for reading! I hope you all have had a wonderful Thanksgiving. I am always so thankful to have all the love in my life that I have. This year I am mostly thankful for growth and love. I am spending this year's day of thanks at The Farm of Peace in Pennsylvania with Josh and his family. I have had the most variety of beautiful vegan food I have ever had continuously since I have been here, starting with a super yummy vegan pumpkin pie Josh's mom created. She composed the crust of pulverised almonds, almond flour and coconut oil. The filling was composed of tofu, pumpkin, spices and a little agave nectar. Then she spread a thin layer of chocolate on top made of coconut oil and cocoa. She then went above and beyond and got vegan whipped cream which is made from cashews and almonds. It was also awesome. I will have to go into more detail about all the other foods I've had here later. But until then, I hope everyone had a happy turkey day, in the most literal sense, of course!

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Hare Hare, Krishna Krishna!

This is the meal that I had on Tuesday at the Hare Krishna lunch. Soooo yummy, sooo addicting! My mouth is watering just looking at it!

Feelin' Fancy? Try Parsnip-Apple Bisque!

Ok, the pictures definitely do not do this delightful soup justice! I looked up a bunch a recipes for parsnips, and I came accross several that pared the root vegetable with apples, so I decided to give it a try. I splurged on some very special ingredients for this one, making it oh so decadent! Here's what I used:

6 Parsnips
1 Honeycrisp Apple
1 Shallot
Vegetable Broth
Soy Milk
1 tsp. Truffle Oil
Rubbed sage, cumin, black pepper, ground ginger, garlic powder, marjoram, and freeze-dried chives

I peeled and chopped the parsnips and apple and chopped the shallot, placed them all in a pot with the cashews in the vegetable broth and simmered for about 15 minutes. I added the truffle oil and seasoned them with all the spices and herbs above. I then transfered it all into a blender and pureed it all until creamy and smooth. I transfered it back to the pot and added the soymilk. Once it was all heated through and seasoning was adjusted to tasted, it was done! E Voila! Dinner for royalty! (Or my pajamas.)

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Thanksgiving Oatmeal

This steamy hot bowl of love warms my heart on a chilly November morn. It has all my favorite flavas of Thanksgiving: pumpkin, cranberries, pecans, vanilla and cinnamon.
I am thankful for soooooo many things...but mostly this oatmeal.


I created this dish to combine David's 2 favorite foods: mashed potatoes and lasagna. It was a pretty scary experiment, but it turned out great! The mashed potatoes actually filled the place of the texture of the ricotta cheese. Though starch was most definitely the star, it was a yummy treat!

I used an eggplant marinana sauce from a jar, and I made my own "cheese" (in place of mozzarella) using silken tofu, arrowroot powder, an improv. combo of soy nuts and pecans, garlic, and spices. I used whole wheat lasagna pasta and sliced zucchini, squash, and sauteed mushrooms and spinach. For the mashed "potates", I used a bag of small purple potatoes and mashed them with soy milk, Earth Balance, fresh garlic, salt and peper. I topped it all with whole wheat breadcrumbs.